Collection: Red jasper

Red jasper

Key words: | motivation ·focus · energy |

Red Jasper is a great stone for grounding, focus, and strength. It is known to be a stone of endurance and nurturing meaning that it can grant you the motivation and energy you need to get something done.Jasper is the supreme nurturer. It sustains and supports you during times of crisis. It brings wholeness and reminds people to help and care for each other.
Jasper also aligns all the chakras and can be used in chakra balancing and layouts.
Mentally, Jasper aids quick thinking and promotes organizational abilities. It stimulates the imagination and increases drive and motivation.

Chakra | Root

Star signs | Aries + Capricorn + Cancer + Scorpio

Recharging + Cleanse |

Pairing | Orange calcite to repel Spring exhaustion |

Rainbow obsidian for amplifying passion