Collection: Fire quartz

Fire quartz | Red hematoid

Key words | self-confidence · energizing · energy cleanser ·removes negativity |

Fire Quartz is one of the most powerful energy stones available. Its energy is associated with the root chakra and sacral chakra. It enhances personal power and self-confidence and brings completeness to one's life.Fire Quartz is a stone of protection, bringing one into alignment with the higher self and repelling negative energies that might otherwise drain life force. Fire Quartz is also an energy cleanser, removing old, stagnant energies from the body, and clearing away mental fog. Fire Quartz helps one stand up for one's beliefs. It encourages one to act when one wishes.

Chakra | Solar Plexus + Root + Sacral

Star signs | Aries · Aquarius

Recharging + Cleanse | Amethyst or Quartz geode | Cleanse with Sage

| Sun stone to repel negativity